Wednesday 24 July 2013

Heather Gooden

Tomatoes use the Calvin cycle. The Calvin cycle is a light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis that forms glucose from CO2. Many plants use the Calvin cycle.

This toad stool is an example of a spore. A spore is a small single-celled reproductive body that is resistant to heat and is capable of growing into a new organism. Other examples of a spore includes moss, ferns, and fungus.

This is an example of pollen. This pollen blow off trees and flowers and landed in water. Pollen is the white stuff that flies through the air in late spring as all the trees lose their blossoms.

Fish are an example of hydrophilic. Hydrophilic means water loving or dependent on water for survival. Tadpoles are another example of hydrophilic.

This picture shows the auxin producing area of a plant. The bud of the flower is the auxin producing area of a plant. The flower bud stimulates cell division and elongation.

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