Wednesday 17 July 2013

Heather Gooden

These tadpoles are an example of an ectotherm. An ectotherm is an animal that stays warm mainly by absorbing environmental heat by basking in the sun.

My dogs are examples of eukaryotes. They are organisms who has enclosed organelles. They have a nucleus and a membrane. All animals, plants, fungus, and protist are examples of eukaryotes.

An example of mycelium is this puffball. All types of fungus are examples of mycelium. Puffballs can be found anywhere in the woods.

This butterfly on the flower is an example of mutualism. Mutualism is an interaction where both species benefit. The flower gets pollinated and the butterfly gets nectar.

These ducks are examples of an endotherm. An endotherm is an animal warmed mainly by its own body heat. All mammals and birds are examples of endotherm.

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