Friday 21 June 2013

Emily Hayhurst

1. Eggs that chickens lay are examples of an amniotic egg. Amniotic eggs have shells and number of water-repellent membranes underneath the shell to protect the fluid and the yolk inside. These eggs are unique to birds, reptiles, and mammals. Animals no longer had to lay their eggs in water after the evolution of amniotic egg.

 2.  Both rice and coffee are examples of a C3 plant. C3 plants breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. They first fix the carbon dioxide to an organic compound, then enter a Calvin cycle. They have the regular photosynthesis.

3.  Human skin is one of the examples of an epithelial tissue. Epithelial tissues are made of cells tightly packed together and arranged in one or more layers. Simple epithelial tissues have just one layer, and stratified epithelial tissues have two or more layers. Human skin is an example of stratified epithelial tissue.

4. Crabs are examples of an exoskeleton animal. Unlike us humans who are interskeleton and have spine inside the body to give us shape and support, exoskeleton animals are supported and protected by an external skeleton.

5. Fermentation is a metabolic, anaerobic (without using oxygen) cellular process that breaks down complex organic substance into simpler compounds. (From the right front row) cheese, miso, soy sauce, chocolate, wine, vinegar, pickles, and kimchi are all examples of fermented food. Fermentation is most likely done using bacteria or yeast, and food that undergoes fermentation is believed to keep you healthy.

6. This picture is from a scene from one of the movies I love: Finding Nemo. The crown fish and the sea anemone shown here is an example of mutualism. Mutualism is when two organisms of different species are in a relationship where they both benefit from each other. The crown fish are provided with protected home territory because of the sea anemone. The sea anemone in return have better water circulation from the crown fish fanning their fins, and have food from parasites in the crown fish and some leftover algae. The crown fish also scare away anything that tries to eat/bite off the anemone.


  1. I have your points. Thanks! You have very good examples!!

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