These chicken eggs are an example of an amniotic egg. Which means the embryo develops inside an amnion. The shell of the egg is either calcium based or leathery.
This possum is an example of adaption of an animal. My neighbors rescued it when it was a baby. Its mother was hit by a car. They took it home and raised it. Now it stays in their house. It has adapted to living inside the house instead of living in the wild.
Potatoes is an example of a C3 plant. They only use the Calvin cycle for photosynthesis.
Corn is an example of a C4 plant. Not only does it use the Calvin cycle but it also uses a C4 pathway to minimize photorespiration by fixing carbon twice.
This flowers are called four o'clock flowers. They are an example of a CAM plant. A CAM plant is a type of C4 plant that conserves water by opening the stomata at night. It uses a C4 pathway to fix carbon.
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